Just when you thought you'd forgotten about Downton Abbey (as if), the cast comes at you with four magazine covers that will have you re-watching the last two seasons and waiting on tenterhooks for number three. James Collier (Thomas Barrow), Laura Carmichael (Lady Edith), Jessica Brown-Findlay (Lady Sybil), and, of course, Michelle Dockery (Lady Mary) all made the cover of Love magazine's eighth issue, and they all look beyond beautiful. Click through to see more, then hit up Love magazine for the rest! (Coco Perez)
Photo: Courtesy of Love Magazine

We're used to seeing Lady Mary all dolled up, but we're particularly excited to see Lady Edith looking her absolute best. Given her generally frumpy appearance on screen, we never knew she could look this good! Lady Sybil's not bad either, and despite his deviance, we've always had a bit of a crush on Thomas (come on, don't even pretend to disagree).

Photo: Courtesy of Love Magazine