UPDATE: Confirming our suspicions that these photos were the result of a pretty awesome weekend, more pics just leaked of the prince yelling at a cop...although it sort of looks like the cop is enjoying it. E! Online
Personally, we've got a bit of a soft spot for party monster and general rule-breaker Prince Harry. But we doubt the queen feels quite so fondly for the redheaded royal's deviant ways. After a weekend of late nights and pool parties in Las Vegas, some unfortunate naked photos (full-frontal and mid-tackle, naturally) leaked to the public. Somebody's in for a spanking. While we have no concrete proof that it's the younger brother of William, check out that necklace and that body type. Busted. (Huffington Post)
Don't the royals have some kind of anti-nude app that immediately prohibits this type of thing? Seriously, guys. Lock it down.

Photos: Via TMZ