Whatever you think about Fifty Shades of Grey, there's no doubt it's created a new paradigm in mass literature. Although we'd love to see a slightly better-written book that didn't start out as Twilight fan fiction make the same waves, anything that helps middle-aged women break the chains of sexual repression is okay by us. But Barnes & Noble recently made an announcement that proves the book's reach goes a lot further than the suburbs. Apparently, the book was one of the key factors that helped the struggling retailer cut losses for its second-quarter earnings support.
Barnes & Noble isn't the only company that's benefitted from the book, which reportedly brings in about 1.4 million each week for author E.L. James. Trojan's Vibrations line (don't even ask) saw a huge boost in sales since the book came out, and sex toys are flying off the shelves. So, Mr. Obama, if you want to win the next election, this might be just the platform you need. Yes We Can...save the economy by making millions of dollars from soft-core porn! (NYMag)

Image via NYMag.