UPDATE: Check out all the gorgeous pics from the Vogue spread in glorious hi-res (and don't forget to click through to the next page). This is the kind of dramatic, sweeping photography that reminds us why we love our monthly glossies!
Whatever you say about Rihanna's style, there's no denying the fact that she likes to experiment. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But, it's definitely working on the November cover of Vogue. It came as quite a surprise when the star cut her hair right before the VMAs, but we're pretty sure she's not regretting her choice now. The pixie looks chic-to-death with a strapless red dress and a blazing, sultry gaze. And of course, those cheekbones don't hurt, either.
RiRi is wrapping up a new album as we speak, and this just has us all the more excited. If you ask us, this is one of Vogue's better covers in recent memory, and we love that they decided to switch out the usual studio shot for more interesting environment. Pick up a copy and see for yourself next week, when the glossy hits newsstands. (Just Jared)
Photo: Courtesy of Vogue.

This isn't Rihanna's first rodeo, but this cover is particularly striking. We could stare at that landscape all day...definitely wearing a black lace gown the next time we're in a dust storm.

Photos: Courtesy of Vogue.