We love London — all six zones of it. But, and it’s a small but, there are a few things about living here that annoy us. Just a little. Which is why we give thanks to Buzzfeed U.K. for compiling a list outlining the 31 things that can get “our goat.” Urban foxes, dawdling tourists, never-ending queues, and creepy bus passengers all get a mention, but it's the tube that gets the special treatment.
Point seven hits a particular nerve: The rule of standing to the right on the tube escalator and walking on the left. It drives us round the bend when this rule isn’t adhered to, at all times! Ranting aside, it is an interesting list that highlights the pressures we all face (literally, during rush hour on the tube) living, and working in London. It’s not all-doom-and-gloom, though. The list concludes with a triumphant image of the opening ceremony of last year’s Olympics — a reason to love this city if ever there was. What do you think is the best and worst thing about living in London? Let us know in the comments section. (Buzzfeed U.K.)

Photo: Via Buzzfeed U.K.