We've heard pretty much every celebrity baby name imaginable, and while many a night has been spent pondering the deep meaning of Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter's name, we threw our hands up and stopped wondering why when Holly Madison named her daughter Rainbow Aurora. But when Kimye decided to ditch the K dynasty, we got to thinking again. Luckily, nights won't be spent philosophizing the deep, existential meaning behind North West. Sources close to the couple told TMZ that they see the name North as a metaphor for "up." Alright, we can sort of see it. They go on to ask, "What's North of North? Nothing." Which in simple, more Kanye appropriate terms means there's nothing better, nothing more powerful than North. TMZ reports they see their baby as the highest point in their relationship, a guiding light like the North Star.
Well, now that that's been cleared up, it's probably appropriate we stop asking why, but now all we want to know is why they opted out of the silent "K," and how does one nickname North? Norrie sounds like an abbreviation for a snowstorm, but now that we think about it, that could be exactly what Kimye's going for: A baby who symbolizes the best of the best, with the power to shut down cities. Consider this our first warning to not mess with North West. (TMZ)