We've all been there — you wake up in the middle of the night in a panic, desperately grasping for your cell phone, convinced you forgot to send that last work email or missed the latest developments on Facebook. As technology becomes more and more advanced, our lives become dangerously wrapped up in staying connected at all costs. While we all rationalize our addictions by convincing ourselves that answering our boss at 4 a.m. will help us come promotion time, the inability to disconnect can have a seriously stressful effect.
Enter Camp Grounded, for those of us who just can't seem to put down the laptop (guilty!). An anxiety-ridden New York Times writer recently signed up for a weekend-long session at the detox program, which promises to separate you from all things technology and work for three blissful days. Cell phones are confiscated when you enter the serene California digs, and all talk of your outside life is prohibited — instead, "campers" participate in old-school fun like sing-alongs, talent shows, and color wars. It may sound a little corny, but consider it a break for your mind, set to the scene of a Wes Anderson movie, with a meat- and gluten-free menu to boot.
So, did three days at Camp Grounded turn said stressed-out writer into a modern day Deepak Chopra? Not exactly, but he did come away with a renewed appreciation for the finer things in life, and the knowledge that being the last one to learn about Kimye's new baby isn't always a bad thing. (The New York Times)

Photo: Via The New York Times