Americans Like Marijuana & Gay Marriage More Than Ever

chartPhoto: Via Daily Intelligencer.
Our fellow countrymen and women are more down with weed than gays on average, if only slightly. Daily Intelligencer plotted the data from a new Gallup poll that shows Americans' shifting attitudes toward marijuana legalization against data from a recent marriage equality poll. Support for marijuana legalization has jumped to an all-time high of 58 percent, according to the poll. Same-sex marriage support, meanwhile, was at a solid 53 percent in May of this year. While marijuana legalization apparently has more support than marriage equality, the two hot-button issues are on a similar trajectory toward acceptance. Democrats far outweigh Republicans in their support of both issues, but support is now stronger in both groups than ever before.

Of course, we realize that the two issues aren't really comparable, but even the folks at Gallup noted the correlation: "The movement to legalize marijuana mirrors the relatively recent success of the movement to legalize gay marriage, which voters have also approved now in 14 states. Public support for gay marriage, which Americans also overwhelmingly opposed in the past, has increased dramatically, reaching majority support in the last two years."
(Daily Intelligencer)

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