Not that we ever thought Lauren Conrad would be a bridezilla, but it seems she's particularly determined to keep her big day free of any unnecessary D-R-A-M-A.
Life & Style
has an unnamed friend saying Conrad won't be inviting anyone who could potentially cause problems. And, yes, that includes ex-boyfriends.
If you're a Hills fanatic, you know what that means. Don't worry, though — BFF Lo Bosworth will definitely be there. Heidi and Spencer? Not so much. And, knowing how desperate the media (cough, cough) is for details, Conrad is going to be keeping a very close eye on when and how the information makes its way into the public record. The anonymous source says she's "even thinking of banning cell phones from the ceremony!”
LC is known to have very particular taste, and we don't blame her. So, she'll probably have lots of ideas about even the most minute details of the ceremony. Word is she'll enlist a friend, or an event planner, to help out with logistics, but she definitely “isn’t going to give control over to anyone else."
Well, here's to playing the waiting game. We'll be standing by for any leaked details — phones or no phones. (Life & Style)