Lady Gaga & Joseph Gordon-Levitt Take On A Christmas Classic — We Melt In Puddles

You know how you can like something so much that you think your heart might explode, but then one day something happens to make you like it soooooo much more than you ever thought possible? So, that sums up how we're feeling about Joseph Gordon-Levitt right now.
Our boy-next-door crush took it to the next level this week with the help of some seriously unlikely accomplices: Lady Gaga and The Muppets. Yeah. We know.
While we were busy rooting around for our sister's old maternity pants and preparing to sleep off our turkey comas, JGL was making a cameo on Lady Gaga & the Muppets' Holiday Spectacular on Thanksgiving night. Looking dapper in a shirt and tie, the actor joined Gaga for a duet of the Christmas classic "Baby, It's Cold Outside." It was so cute, we just about forgot how annoying and totally sexist that song is.
Oh, man. First the lip-syncing on Jimmy Fallon and now this? How is this guy not our boyfriend yet?!

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