Amanda Rausch, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
In many relationships (especially long-term ones), it can be really tough to know when to keep trying and when to call it quits. Research has shown that successful, long term relationships have at least an 8:2 ratio, meaning that for every two negative interactions, there needs to be at least eight positive ones. This doesn’t mean you are doomed, it just means it might be time to step up the positive.

Alexis Auleta, Licensed Clinical Social Worker
If someone were to ask you what ingredients you’d need to create a healthy and happy relationship recipe, what would be on your shopping list? Likely, you’d head straight to the couples’ aisle for some basics. Mutual love, respect, passion, partnership and understanding to name a few. But what if I asked you to purchase a carton of conflict? To pick up a box full of fight? What if I told you these ingredients were essential to creating a healthy relationship recipe?