Does Justin Bieber Think He’s The Next Michael Jackson?

bieberembedPhoto: Courtesy of
After recovering from a little legal scuffle that made some headlines here and there, Justin Bieber took to Instagram to express how he feels to his fans. Yes, that there is a photo of Michael Jackson juxtaposed with Bieber. (Also, note the possible Jay Z reference in his caption, "What more can they say.")
Could he be comparing himself to the King of Pop? Some might say that's foolish for a number of reasons — and we're not even counting Jackson's many, many court troubles. Then again, Jacko sure was fond of threatening his neighbors, suggesting that Anne Frank would've been a fan, soliciting Brazilian prostitutes, peeing in mop buckets while insulting former presidents, and egging houses.
Fine, maybe it's not a one-for-one comparison. One thing they do have in common, though? Primate problems. (Vulture)

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