By now, you've probably heard of Amber Heard. Yep, we're talking about Johnny Depp's fiancée. The actress made waves when she became Depp's newly betrothed, but she's also a pretty badass woman in her own right.
We've been following her career for some time, but our heads really turned when we saw her in the new flick 3 Days to Kill. She stars opposite Kevin Costner — in fact, she plays his boss — as a super-sexy CIA assassin.
But, as Heard told a group of reporters during the film's press conference, sexiness isn't what attracted her to the role.
"The power struggle that these two strong characters have constantly going against each other is interesting," she said. "We're the adversaries, which is what I liked. It's weird that you see that dynamic between a man and a woman in the film. It's like, ya, why couldn't I be his boss? Just because I wear high heels?"
The remark was met by hoots and hollers from the room, and we found ourselves instantly taking a liking to the 27-year-old actress. In a time when feminism is a major hot-button issue, it's encouraging to have such an awesome up-and-comer contributing her two cents. "I also liked that she can be seductive, but that's not where her power is," continued Heard. "Her powers are skill and knowledge and her ability to do her job well...being seductive is just a side effect of all the other stuff. I would always prefer to shoot the gun than, say, wear a wedding dress. It's far more interesting to me."
"I didn't want it to be about her beauty," the film's director, McG, said. "She's got these dimensions, so I said, 'Well, let's use that.' I like strong female characters — who don't apologize for being sexy."
Of course, while playing a gun-toting badass CIA exec is all fun and games, there was one other component that the starlet really enjoyed: the wigs. Her character sports everything from long blonde locks to a Pulp Fiction-style black bob. When a reporter asked her about the changing 'dos, Heard joked that they were the main draw for her signing onto the film. A girl after our own heart, indeed.