Talk To Your Doctor About This New Dating-App Disorder

disorder embedPhoto: Via Tinder.
While it’s common knowledge that technology has revolutionized the way we speak (see: "haha" turning into "LOL") there’s a new side effect of the digital age that will leave you saying "WTF?" A recent story on The Date Report says dating app users are developing a condition called "Hook-Up App Stress Disorder." Turns out, too many left swipes on Tinder could lead to a singleton feeling "unseen," create a stress-level jolt, or cause feelings of "daily, mild-to-wild maltreatment," according to Renato Barucco, of The Daily Dot, who coined the malady's name. If that sounds like you, you just may have yourself a case of HUASD.
Georgette Eva of The Date Report outlines the dehumanizing effects of using apps like Tinder, and has some pointers on how to avoid spreading this blight. Click through to get the low-down. And, be nice out there! (The Date Report)