Like, of course Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift are besties. It's honestly crazy we hadn't figured this out before. It was bound to be the case that two beautiful, sweet, and constantly smiling all-American girls would hook up and engage in some hijinks. These two were destined for each other.
We can't be sure how long they've been BFFs, but that's not important right now. What is, however, is the Instagram road trip they've taken all their collective Instagram followers on. They have over eight million each, so that's a lot of folks to pack into the family sedan. Frolicking in the forests and on the beaches of one of this writer's favorite places on earth, Big Sur, California, they collected flowers, wrote their names in the sand, and basically had the sort of idyllic day you wish you were having right now. Hey, at least you've got their snaps to ease your mind as you grind through the last hours of your workday.
Click forward to capture a few zen moments for yourself.
Photo: Via KarlieKloss/Instagram.
Photo: Via Taylorswift/Instagram.
Photo: Via Taylorswift/Instagram.
Photo: Via Taylorswift/Instagram.
Photo: Via Taylorswift/Instagram.
Photo: Via KarlieKloss/Instagram.
Photo: Via Taylorswift/Instagram.