Emma Watson Goes On Ellen, Charms Our Pants Off

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Have you ever been around someone so adorable that you could just scream? That's kind of how we feel every time we see or read anything about Emma Watson. That gosh-darn British charm just gets us. The actress is continuing to spread her near-frustratingly high levels of charisma — all in the name of the Noah movie, and her latest stop is the Ellen show. Not surprisingly, she tells all kinds of hilariously cute stories.
There's the fact that her parents can't believe she still hasn't graduated from Brown — it's only been five years, Watsons! Then there's the time she had a near-panic attack before presenting at this year's Academy Awards, thanks to a "pep talk" from Joseph Gordon-Levitt. And, there's also the fact that she still writes in her journal every night before bed. Seriously, the girl's got a collection of 30 diaries from all her life's endeavors. Wanna feel slightly inadequate? Check out her interview.

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