You can glam a baby up and put her in the pages of Vogue, but, at the end of the day, she's gonna do what babies do. In the case of little North West, that involves peeing on papa Kanye while shooting the Kimye family album with Annie Leibovitz. Surely that's got to be a Vogue first, right?

Watch the clip below to see Kim Kardashian tell Late Night host Seth Meyers about the moment West realized that a bare-assed baby and leather trousers don't mix. "North peed on him right at that moment, and he was trying to tell me and I couldn't really hear him," she says. "I had to get up and clean her off, clean him off. It's a good memory."
We wonder if Kanye feels the same way, or if he's stocking up on diapers, baby wipes, and Purell. Still, it could have been way, way worse. (Racked)