Justin Jedlica, the self-proclaimed Human Ken Doll, believes that the self-proclaimed Human Barbie is doing the whole real-fake-doll thing wrong. "I don’t really get her," he told GQ. "I don’t get why people think she’s so interesting. She has extensions. She wears stage makeup. She’s an illusionist."
For the past year or so, Valeria Lukyanova has been confusing children and boggling the minds of adults. What with her pin-straight hair, larger-than-life eyes, and a waist-to-hip ratio akin to the doll she's crafted her look after, the woman's image is arresting. She's also, according to her similarly handcrafted potential paramour, a big poser.
"Drag queens have put on the same illusions for years," Jedlica told The Sun back in January. On the other hand, the Human Ken Doll proudly admits he's "working with a silicone-fabrication company to do an artistic muscle-augmentation implant line." In other words, he's putting his money where his mouth is (beyond the $150,000 he's purportedly shelled out for surgeries) to achieve what Lukyanova manages to do with skills and a makeup brush (okay, and a certain, ahem, augmentation).
We're not sure why the boy toy's chosen now to speak out against his flawless foe. One could say their tacts are just two different routes to the same destination. Either way, here's hoping the Dream House stays intact. (The Gloss)