The Emma Watson Guide To Etiquette

Emma Watson is probably a normal girl who, like the more vocally liberal Jennifer Lawrences of the world, does a lot of weird stuff and goofs off on the regular. But, for whatever reason, there is something about her presence on film and in photographs that just emanates class. Good, old-fashioned class — that sort of glowing, lovely elegance that cannot be denied. Yes, we're gushing, but it's her birthday — and we're gonna use that as an excuse to go full-on fangirl over the face we once knew as Hermione, but now recognize as a true style star.
We don't know exactly what Emma's views are on modern etiquette. We can, however, glean certain things from her public appearances — things that could be quite relevant to our own lives. Things that your grandmother would approve of. Things that make "ladylike" feel like an understatement. In short, things that Emma Watson does naturally, on a regular basis, in six-inch heels and couture gowns. Ahead, 10 photos that more than prove our point.

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