Not to be nosy, but there's something a little off about this photo of Lorde. The Grammy award-winning "Royals" singer noticed it, too.
No, it's not the abundance of buckles she's constricted herself in. And, no, it's not the ample amount of leather she's draped in either. It could be the diffused light rendering Lorde into a gothic angel with clipped wings, but there's something else...something subtle. Her nose? According to the singer herself, yes. It's not hers.
"[sic] apart from the fact that i'm pretty sure this magazine gave me a new nose (:|), i really like this photo," Lorde tweeted, marking the second installment of Lorde Takes On Photoshop, a fictional documentary of Lorde's message to accept ourselves just the way we are. Lorde: 2; Photoshop: 0.