Celebrities, they're just like us! Especially those of us who've had a major handshake fail. In this Sunday GIF roundup, we've collected our five favorite instances of famous people going in for some love, then getting totally denied. The results (especially the one featuring that handsome man to the left, Tom Brady) are just as awkward as they sound.
The only exception here is Jack Nicholson. In the final GIF featuring the iconic screen legend, good old Jack is the one doing the snubbing. After all, if Jack Nicholson ever got snubbed by anyone, the universe would likely implode on itself. You know what that means, don't you? No more GIFs.
So please everyone, never snub Jack Nicholson.
Will someone please just hug Kylie Minogue?
Where's Gisele when I need her?
For the first time in his life, Stephen Merchant isn't the awkward one. Thank You JGL.
Ryan Gosling makes a mistake, men everywhere breathe a sigh of relief.
My dad loved you in Chinatown, Mister.