Kim Kardashian Captures Her Last Night As A Single Girl On Instagram

There's a wedding happening this weekend, folks. You've probably heard of it. The Kimye wedding? The one that's gone from Paris, to some court in the California, to Florence, back to Paris, and finally settling in Florence? Yeah, it's been a pain to keep up with, but the matrimonial event of the decade has officially begun. And, since people kan't keep from keeping up with Kim Kardashian & Ko., here are images from her Parisian bachelorette party.
An intimate group of 20 enjoyed what Kim called a "last supper" and romped around Paris in expensive clothing with Instagram at the ready. The future Kardashian-West transformed herself into the beaming bride-beacon she is in a super-intricate Balmain dress. The rest of the Krew kept it classy in dark styles (talk about kontrast). It doesn't look like the pack strayed too far from the Louvre. Or, maybe all their smartphones died leaving them Instagram-less. Good thing the entire world has unleashed a battalion of paparazzi to capture their every move #latergram. (Glamour)

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