Few things in life are as refreshing as youthful abandon. Unfortunately, most of us common folk are allotted 15 days a year for just that. (Though now that smartphones basically keep us connected at all times, this state of mind is nearly impossible.)
Them youths these days, however, can relish this total freedom. Just look at new buds Chloë Grace Moretz and Brooklyn Beckham (David and Victoria Beckham's offspring) for proof. While the rest of the world grinds through the 9-to-5, these two are just longboardin' their lives away, occasionally losing their hats in the process. Granted neither of them are required to be be chained to desks, staring at computer screens all day, but who's judging? (Not this writer.)

For a piece-by-piece breakdown of the duo's sartorial decisions, look no further than The Daily Mail. There you'll find out just how "crisp" Brooklyn's T-shirt was and what noise Chloë's hat made being "whipped off by the wind" from her head. To make a long scroll short, the two are just plain ol' effortlessly cool. Longboarding? C'mmon, dudes. Life doesn't get more summery than that. Well, unless you're one of these kids, living in a state of perma-vacation, that is. (The Daily Mail)