Sleeping Beauty won't be the only Disney princess revisiting the big screen. Fresh from the success of box-office hit Maleficent, Disney already has plans for a remake of another classic fairy tale. This time around, Beauty and the Beast will be getting the live-action treatment.
The new film is the latest in a string of remakes from the Disney powers that be. Scarlett Johansson and Lupita Nyong'o will be voicing characters in the upcoming adaptation of The Jungle Book, while Lily James and Cate Blanchett are set to star in next year's Cinderella.
Variety reports that Bill Condon, who wrote and directed the 2006 musical Dreamgirls, has signed on as director of the Beauty And The Beast reboot. No word yet on any casting decisions, but watch this space for updates. Rumors are circulating that Emma Watson may star, but nothing has been confirmed. In the meantime, let the guessing game begin: Who will Disney anoint as Belle? Ready, go. (Variety)