This Tweetstorm About Two Cafe Employees Is The Holiday Romance Story We All Need

Photographed by Alexandra Gavillet.
Imagine a world where the famous card scene from Love Actually resulted in the blossoming of a romantic relationship. Now imagine if their story ended with a little more than a chaste "thank-you" kiss.
That's the Christmas miracle that one Twitter user witnessed at a café on Saturday afternoon. (Okay, maybe not exactly, but we couldn't resist the chance to reference Love Actually.) Over the weekend, Twitter user Jerry happened to be the only person at a café when one employee decided that it was time she told her coworker that she had feelings for him. So naturally, Jerry live-tweeted the conversation.
Just when it looked as if we'd be kept in suspense, the ball dropped, in the best way possible.
The real golden moment came, however, when the employees turned to include Jerry in their love story.
So there you have it, folks: the heartwarming holiday romance you needed to balance out this trash heap of a year. And given that Jerry's tweets have gone viral, it seems like we're all in dire need of some Christmas cheer right now. Read These Stories Next:
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