Over A Million People Made The Women’s March An Historic Event

Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images.
Update: Over a million people worldwide participated in women's marches, according to the Associated Press. USA Today puts that number at 2.5 million.
400,000 of these people marched in New York, NYC mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted.
D.C. and LA each had at least 500,000 participants, Chicago had more than 150,000, and Denver and Boston surpassed 100,000, USA Today reports.
No arrests were made in D.C. or New York, according to the Associated Press and the New York Post, nor in L.A. according to the police.
Women left their signs outside the White House at the Washington D.C. march, as a lingering reminder of their voices for President Trump and his advisors.
Trump had no choice but to pay attention to such a large movement. First, he tweeted that the protesters should have voted if they didn't want him to win (though many may very well have, considering that Clinton won the popular vote). Still, he said they had a right to protest.
Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway said on CBS’s Face the Nation that Trump "didn’t divide the country, but as president he has a great opportunity to help heal and unify it."
This article was originally published on January 21 at 1:25 p.m. EDT.
Despite the reported sparse crowds for yesterday's inauguration, people did show up to Washington.
They just turned up the next day.
Today, according to multiple sources, women (and men) came out in record-breaking numbers for the for the historical Women's March on Washington. This is the largest inaugural protest in U.S. history.
It's still too early to tally exact numbers, but according to the Associated Press, an estimated 500 thousand have already descended upon the National Mall.
"It's OFFICIAL #WomensMarchOnWashington is biggest inaugural protest in HISTORY. Sorry Mr. Trump, THIS is what a populist movement looks like" said one Twitter user.

Largest inaugural protest in history. #womensmarchonwashington #msnbc

A video posted by SashaCharninMorrison (@sashacharninmorrison) on

People from all around the country joined together to protest against President Donald Trump and his new administration. Even celebrities are ditching a glitzy Sundance weekend to join the cause.

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