Your Alma Mater Might Affect Your Dating Life In A Surprising Way

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Unless you've remained in a happy relationship with your college sweetheart, you probably haven't put much thought into how your university affects your post-grad dating life.
But according to new data from dating app Hinge, your alma mater might have a surprising effect on your dating experiences.
On Wednesday, Hinge released a report that details their members' swiping habits and how they coincide with the universities they attended. As it happens, the most sought-after women tended to attend colleges in the south, while the men who got the most likes were most likely to go to liberal arts colleges.
The report, shared with Refinery29, also revealed that people from rivaling universities rarely connected, in case you thought school pride wasn't a thing.
To obtain their data, Hinge pulled from roughly 200,000 members' personal information on Facebook, including their listed education — which can draw from the last three schools a person attended.
In case you were wondering, the colleges with the most sought-after men were:
1. Colby College
2. Colgate University
3. Middlebury College
4. College of Charleston
5. Washington and Lee University
And as for the colleges with the most sought-after women?
1. University of South Carolina
2. NC State University
3. University of Miami
4. Southern Methodist University
5. University of Tampa
"Since it’s the start of a new school year, we were curious to know how our members’ schools affect their Hinge experience," Jean-Marie McGrath, Hinge’s director of communications, said in a statement shared with Refinery29.
However, she added, it wasn't necessarily about which university a person attended — rather, members like when someone shares more information about themselves.
"In this study, we found that our members are 16% more likely to receive a like and 10% more likely to connect if they list their education — confirming that the more information our members share about themselves, the better," McGrath added.
While you may not necessarily choose someone based on where they went to school, it's certainly interesting to see just who racks up the most likes.
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