The 9 Best Parts Of This Extremely Important KJ Apa Interview

Photo: Stephen Lovekin/Variety/REX/Shutterstock.
There are two types of people in this world, those who love Jughead Jones and those who who are Team Archie Andrews. If you're in the Archie Andrews camp, you'll be happy to know, that the actor who portrays him, KJ Apa, shares several of Archie's best qualities. In a recent interview with Cosmopolitan, Apa revealed that he too can play the guitar, has a close relationship with his dad, and is even kind of a jock. Most importantly, though, in the interview he showed that, like Archie, he's got a good heart and a very sensitive side. These are some of the best parts of KJ Apa's interview with Cosmo. They're so good, they might even have some Jughead stans switching sides.
1. Apa has never said no to a getting his photo taken with a fan.
"I don't think I've ever said no to a photo, just because I know how big of a deal it is for these girls to ask."
2. He uses a somewhat sad image of his dad as inspiration for his most emotional scenes.
'My dad is my biggest role model. His legitimate favorite thing to do is hang out with his kids and his wife. When I need to get emotional in scenes, all I need to do is imagine my dad sitting at a café alone, drinking a coffee."
3. Because of some introverted tendencies, Apa's Riverdale co-stars thought he didn’t like them when they first started working together.
"I was fresh out of New Zealand, no one understood what I was saying, and they were hanging out all the time. They thought that I didn't like them. We laugh about it now, but I really was in my own zone."
4. His older sister lives with him.
"I don't charge her anything — the only request that I have is that she makes me food when I'm hungry."
5. He adorably brought his guitar to his Riverdale audition as a kind of security blanket.
"I feel most comfortable when I have a guitar in my hand. When I auditioned for Riverdale and did a screen test, I decided to take my guitar in there because I knew it would calm me down."
6. Despite all his success, he admits to experiencing imposter syndrome.
"I'm still waiting for someone to call me out [for acting]. I’m happy doing it, but I kind of — I don't feel out of place, it's just ... I don't know."
7. Apa wishes he could be more like The Rock.
"I was talking to my sister about this. I was like, 'The guy’s always in a good mood from what I can see in his interviews. I wonder if he's ever [not happy]. I wish I could be like that, always in a good mood.' She was like, 'That's just not who you are.' But I was wondering, if he’s really like that, that's really sick. How can I be like that?"
8. He loves 13 Reasons Why just as much as we do.
"Apa spots the soundtrack to 13 Reasons Why, which he binge-watched in 12 hours 'as soon as it came out.'"
9. He thinks Kate Hudson is attractive, but she is NOT his celebrity crush.
As a viewer, he likes war movies and rom-coms — think Fury and Dunkirk, but also Forgetting Sarah Marshall, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, and Fool’s Gold. (Yes, he thinks Kate Hudson is 'so hot,' but his celebrity crush is Jennifer Aniston, even though he didn’t watch Friends growing up.)"

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