Rose McGowan & Other Celebrities Respond To Kevin Spacey Coming Out Amid Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Photo: Krista Kennell/Patrick McMullan/Getty Images.
Rose McGowan has been outspoken about sexual misconduct during the Harvey Weinstein revelations, and she's not backing down. Kevin Spacey issued a coming-out statement hours after BuzzFeed News shared Anthony Rapp's story of Spacey's alleged sexual misconduct — and McGowan, along with other celebrities, was quick to criticize Spacey on Twitter.
As Ira Madison III wrote for The Daily Beast, some news outlets originally published headlines focused on Spacey's coming out, rather than on the timing. Spacey's Twitter statement came shortly after BuzzFeed's report was published, which didn't sit well with many people.
Beau Willimon, who created House of Cards, the Netflix series in which Spacey stars, also issued a statement calling Rapp's account "deeply troubling."
"Anthony Rapp's story is deeply troubling," Willimon said in a statement obtained by The Hollywood Reporter. "During the time I worked with Kevin Spacey on House of Cards, I neither witnessed nor was aware of any inappropriate behavior on set or off. That said, I take reports of such behavior seriously and this is no exception. I feel for Mr. Rapp and I support his courage."
In addition, GLAAD and NARAL criticized the timing of Spacey's announcement. "Coming-out stories should not be used to deflect from allegations of sexual assault," Sarah Kate Ellis, president and CEO of GLAAD, said in a statement obtained by The Hollywood Reporter. "This is not a coming-out story about Kevin Spacey, but a story of survivorship by Anthony Rapp and all those who bravely speak out against unwanted sexual advances. The media and public should not gloss over that."
Click through to see what celebrities have said about the BuzzFeed News report and Spacey's Twitter statement. We'll keep updating this slideshow as more stars share their opinions about the news.
If you have experienced sexual violence and are in need of crisis support, please call theRAINN Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).
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