How Much Was Hope Hicks Making Before She Resigned From The White House?

illustrated by Abbie Winters.
As the news made the rounds that White House communications director Hope Hicks was resigning from her position as White House communications director, one question on our minds was her salary.
As one of the most powerful women in Washington and one of the most influential women in the Trump White House, Hicks’ income was the most a White House aide could make: She netted $179,000 a year according a report released by the White House in July 2017. As you’re scrolling through the titles and salaries, you’ll notice that Hicks’ departure will leave the Trump’s key advisors predominantly male. It's also worth noting that Hicks' salary was on par with other high-earning West Wing staff including Kellyanne Conway.
At 29-years-old, Hicks was the youngest person to ever serve as White House communications director. Lacking experience in politics, she was promoted to the position after Trump dismissed Anthony Scaramucci in July 2017.
So why the high salary for such little experience? She kept Trump in-check.
According to the New York Times, her job included included advising Trump on the tone of his tweets and sometimes encouraging him to not send them. She was known as one of the few aides who could change Trump’s views. Hicks also served as a gatekeeper, picking the most administration-friendly reporters to join Trump in the Oval Office for mingling and calling reporters in an attempt to shape stories in favor of Trump. She privately complained that the media did not understand Trump’s compassion and empathy. However, last week, in a listening session with parents, students and teachers who lost loved ones in the Parkland school shooting, Trump clenched hand-written notes by Hicks reminding him to be to be empathic.
Apparently there's good money in reminding men in power to be human.

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