We love Tracy Anderson for her commitment to health and wellness, but her latest comments are leaving us scratching our heads. At an event last night, she spoke to The Cut about her love for Girls, and her desires to makeover the show's creator, Lena Dunham. Turns out Anderson sends trainers to the set on the regular, but producers have barred them from "transforming" Dunham. "[Girls] producer Jenni Konner is a diehard client of mine and a dear friend, so we joke, and she says, 'You can’t transform her yet,'" said Anderson. "I could transform her and I could transform her character."
While we're sure Anderson was just trying to be nice in offering to give Dunham a leg up in the workout department, we're afraid she's missing the point. Part of what makes Lena Lena — and the source of so much respect — is that she is so perfectly herself. She hasn't let fame change her — or her body — even in the face of pressure. We love that she looks like the rest of us (as in, not a celeb or supermodel), and Anderson's desire to morph her into another one of her thin clients feels degrading.
Of course, she isn't out to criticize Dunham for her looks — in fact, she has called for more diverse body types in Hollywood — but we're still not sure about the sentiment. Tell us what you think: Is Tracy Anderson taking "the perfect body" too far, or is she simply looking to help a fellow star stay healthy? (Daily Mail)