Say It Ain’t So: Girls’ Front Man Chris Owens Calls It Quits

We’ve never been ones to sugarcoat our dedication for S.F.-based indie-rock band Girls — crop tops and all. In fact, we’ve been digging its sound from day one and have it in heavy rotation in more than a few of our Spotify playlists. But, in an awful turn of events and frankly too much to process on a Monday morning — lead singer Christopher Owens is leaving the group. So, basically, that leaves the other half (bassist JR White) holding down the fort. The front man posted the surprising news on Twitter this AM, stating:
“This may come as a surprise to many and has been an issue of much thought for me. My decision was not easy to make. I am leaving Girls. My reasons at this time are personal. I need to do this in order to progress. I will continue to write and record music. More will be announced soon. I thank you all for everything.”
We’re pretty bummed by the news, but are excited to see what Owens has up his sleeve next. Either way, we’ll definitely miss the band's sweet sounds and are pourin’ out a little liquor for the duo that was. We’ll be looping "Honeybunny" all day long. R.I.P. Girls!

Video And Photo: Via YouTube/Molly DeCoudreaux

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