How To Convey What You Really Feel At Work — Without Burning Any Bridges
Last Updated 12 May 2023, 7:28 am
There's nothing more frustrating and anxiety-inducing than when you really want to speak up at work, but don't know the right words to use that won't end up getting you fired.
Becoming more assertive at work and setting boundaries in the workplace have become our top priorities, especially in the aftermath of COVID-19, the Great Resignation and adapting to work-from-home life. But knowing exactly how to stand up to your boss or co-workers when you have concerns is one of the biggest barriers we face to actually ever having constructive conversations — because there are some things that we're thinking at work that there's no way we could get away with saying out loud.
Thankfully, there are ways to be respectful but still assert yourself with your toxic boss and co-workers. Many of us have been inspired by content creators like Laura at @loewhaley, who are helping people navigate the working world and suggesting ways you can go about having those tough work-related conversations. And once you know how to use corporate speak to your advantage, you’ll never go back!
So, we asked some of our corporate friends how best to say the things we're really thinking at work — in the most respectful and articulate way possible. You and your boss can thank us later. Kind Regards!
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