15 Inspirational Stephen Hawking Quotes To Read Today

Illustrated by Elliot Salazar.
Update: March 14, 2018 at 9:15 a.m.
Wednesday morning, news broke that Stephen Hawking passed away at his home in Cambridge. He was 76. A brilliant mind and force, Hawking was famously pithy. As we celebrate his achievements, let us reflect on his most affecting quotes.
Original story follows.
Stephen Hawking was a true inspiration to millions not only for his many achievements, but also for his determination. Hawking was diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), a rare form of motor neurone disease, at the age of 21 with doctors initially only giving him a few years to live. However, he thwarted all expectations and went on to make major breakthroughs in the study of phenomena such as black holes and cosmic inflations. His bestselling account of the origins of the universe, A Brief History of Time went on to become a contemporary classic.
Stephen Hawking's life was one of triumph, even being celebrated in the film, The Theory of Everything, starring Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones.
Hawking was a remarkable man and his influence on modern science is undeniable. He was brilliant. He exceeded all expectations with regard to his life expectancy and quality of life. Ahead, in honour of his life, 15 of his most inspirational quotes.

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