The Good, The Bad & The Hilariously Awful Moments In ’90s Pop Culture

Alright, internet we get it: If it’s about the '90s, you’re in. So, a few of us got to thinking. Considering that we've been inundated with the decade’s best and brightest via everything from essays to listicles to YouTube rabbit holes, we figured it would be a cinch to name 30 things that shaped the 10 years we can’t stop talking about.
But obviously, narrowing down the contenders was a struggle. Brainstorming, email threads, and pure frustration (honestly, good luck getting the Budweiser commercials out of your head) gave way to even more brainstorming, email threads, and pure frustration. Finally, we separated the defining aspects from the fleeting. We whittled it down until we were left with 30 things from the final decade of the 20th century that we've sort of forgotten...and when we remember them, we shudder, cringe, giggle, shake our heads...or all of the above.
Behold, that very list. It's pretty much guaranteed that you’ll think we left something off. That'll be all the more reason to make another list down the road — and begin this whole process again.

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