These Are The Saddest Books You’ll Ever Read

Photo: Courtesy of Dutton Penguin.
There are some books you pick up because you know they'll be tear-jerkers, and you're not opposed to a good cry. Then there are the books that sucker-punch you with a tragic plot twist that leaves you dribbling tears and snot onto the pages. You'll find both types here.
The very best reads have the ability to elicit a full range of emotions, even if that entails a little heartbreak. Whether it's the death of Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, or the tales of abject poverty in Angela's Ashes, the impulse to feel loss is very, very powerful. It overwhelms us whether it's fiction or nonfiction, a weighty dramatic tome or a beloved children's classic.
With that in mind, we've rounded up a selection of reads guaranteed to make you whimper. Expect your chin to wobble at the very least. It's cathartic, right?
Spoiler alert: We will be discussing some very sad endings to books you may not have read yet. Proceed at your own risk!

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