What The Emo Crushes Of Your Teen Years Look Like Today

The early-to-mid 2000s were rough years for a lot of us. Being the well-adjusted, sophisticated women we are now, it can be hard to remember just how tortured our teenage existence was. A quick refresher: You were stuck on an emotional roller coaster powered by raging hormones — and the totally-not-imagined-or-exaggerated reality that your parents, the world, and life itself were all conspiring against you. Everything sucked.
Fortunately, we had music to turn to. Call it what you want: emo, screamo, emo-rock, emo pop, pop punk, emo-alt-post-punk-pop-indie-ska-rock. The point is, these bands had the power to put our intense, hormone-addled, fitful feelings into poetry when we couldn't even tell you what the fuck we were crying about half the time. So naturally, this nurtured some pretty intense crushes on the cute boys and girls who spoke to our souls...and maybe other, um, places in our bodies.
Today, Panic At The Disco releases Death Of A Bachelor, 11 years after its debut album turned us on to the charms of lead singer Brendon Urie. The question is, can our youthful infatuation with these emo heartthrobs live on into adulthood? We'll let you be the judge. Here are 10 of your greatest emo-crushes at the peak of their popularity — and what they look like today.


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