Our Favourite Female Superheroes Of All Time

Photo: Courtesy of Warner Brothers.
Female superheroes haven't gotten nearly enough attention, even in an age when it feels like a new superhero flick premieres every week. As fans prepare for the third Thor, Black Widow still hasn't gotten her own movie. Female superheroes are often left off the T-shirts and other merchandise tie-ins for superhero films. And parodies like this seem suspiciously like what a studio would create when tasked with making a female superhero movie.
But there is hope for the future of badass superheroines on the big and small screens. Supergirl has been renewed for a second season! A Captain Marvel movie with a leading lady is in the works! So it's officially time to get excited for the future. Whether they fly around in a cape or fight crime on the ground, they have plenty of fans eagerly awaiting their next projects.

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