The Young People Considering Dual British-German Citizenship

Last month's referendum decision for Britain to leave the European Union came as a shocking blow for young people, who were overwhelmingly pro-Remain. Heartbreakingly for many, they will now lose the right to live and work in 27 other countries.
However, senior German politicians recently offered them a glimmer of hope by proposing that young Brits be offered dual citizenship in Germany. Dual citizenship for non-EU citizens is usually forbidden in the country, but Sigmar Gabriel, the vice chancellor, said he would raise the issue in the country's national elections next year.
He said: “Let’s offer it to the young Britons living in Germany, Italy or France so that they can remain EU citizens,” The Guardian reported. “It’s a good sign that the youth of Great Britain are more clever than their bizarre political elite. For that reason we can’t raise our drawbridge on them. We have to think now about what we can offer Great Britain’s younger generation.”
Many Brits have already applied for dual-citizenship in Germany, according to reports in German media, but will this trend continue? Would Brits currently living and working in Germany consider applying for dual-citizenship because of Brexit? And would Germans in London think about going back home because of the message Brexit sends about Britain's attitudes towards immigrants?
We spoke to Brits living in Germany about Brexit and dual German citizenship, and asked Germans in London whether Brexit makes them more or less enthusiastic about living in the UK.

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