Taylor Swift’s Long History Of Shady Song Lyrics

Photo: Jason LaVeris/Getty Images.
Taylor Swift writes most of her own lyrics. She has since she was in high school. Her girl-next-door attitude, combined with the relatable subjects of her songs, have long been the driving force of her fandom.
She's had crushes and been crushed. She's broken hearts and been broken-hearted. She's dated and regretted. One thing she hasn't done, though, unlike the evil Kanye West, is write songs about other people.
Also, she would never write about people without telling them. That would be wrong. That would make her a hypocrite. Swift is neither nor. Right?
Well, actually, I have some bad news.
Swift has hard-core shaded people for years, in songs that have earned her Grammys. It's kind of what she's built her brand on. Yes, many singers, especially those who write their own material like she does, will use real-life inspiration for their lyrics. But Swift has landed in hot water for literally using people as relationship punch lines in her songs. Sound familiar? And every time, only one person seems to come out on top — Swift.
I'm not ready to deem Swift the Hypocrite of the Year, but we thought it would be interesting to revisit a few of the times Swift herself was guilty of calling out people in her songs.

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