29 Of The Biggest Plot Holes From Our Favourite TV Shows

Photo: Touchstone TV/REX/Shutterstock.
Have you ever watched a show you loved and felt the need to stop for a moment? Not because you were tired or because someone interrupted you mid-binge, but because you had to ask yourself a question? And not just any question — a question about a ridiculous plot hole or story line?
The truth is that not every TV show is meant to be wholly based in reality. Not every show wants you to ask questions about physics or disappearing characters. Some shows want you to just go with it.
That's fine. Going along for the ride is a lot of fun. Without suspending reality and submerging yourself into a television show's world, it's hard to imagine ever having fun in front of the small screen. But sometimes, after the fact, years after you enjoyed the show and went for the ride, you have to think: Did they really do that? So they're not going to tell us that one thing then? Ever?
Ahead, we rounded up some of the unanswered questions we have about our favourite TV shows. Some are questions about inconsistencies in plots and timelines. Others are questions about silly characters and stupid story lines. But they're all questions we need to know the answer to. Okay, maybe need is a strong word, but you get the picture.
You may be surprised by the strange things you never questioned.


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