What Was THE Must-Have Christmas Present The Year You Were Born?

Photo: REX/Shutterstock.
Without a doubt, 2016 is destined to go down as the year of the Hatchimal, a toy that has the unique appeal of doing its most notable thing (hatching) once, and only once. Come 2017, they'll likely be forgotten for some newer, flashier toy that beeps, fights, or bounces, and proves equally elusive to desperate adults looking to make holiday dreams come true.
Of course, the Hatchimal is just the latest in a long line of toys that fly off the shelves during the Christmas season. The ghosts of must-have toys past include everything from Wiis to Elmos to Bratz. Ebates has rounded up over 30 years of the toys that were the hardest to buy during the holidays. (The only year missing is 1991.) Three decades of must-have toys prove two things: Kids have the weirdest wishes, and there will always be adults willing to wait in lines (and occasionally punch strangers) to fulfill them.
So what was the hot toy the year you were born? Click through to see how many of these you remember.

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