This Mum's Heartbreaking Photo Of Her Son's Battle With Cancer Is Going Viral

Watching their child get sick with cancer is one of the most devastating things that can happen to a parent. In a post on Facebook, one mom opened up about the realities of childhood cancer with one raw photo.
"It is about to get real, real hard and real quick," she captioned the photo, which was originally posted on her son's Facebook page and then shared on Love What Matters.
She wrote that she was sharing the photo of her son in his pull-ups for anyone who is battling cancer or enduring chemotherapy, and to show that "life is not always politically correct and pretty, it is real. Life isn't pretty, and cancer destroys a person."
"This was this morning after carrying Drake to the bathroom," she wrote. "Yes, he is in a pull up because 75% of the time he can't control his bathroom habits."
She went on to explain that her son, Drake (lovingly nicknamed "Stinky Joe"), is "skin and bones" because his change in appetite meant that she has to beg him to eat and drink a bare minimum amount each day.
"This is having your son sleep with you at night because he is afraid of something happening and being alone, and by something I mean dying," she continued. "This is having middle of the night conversations with a ten year old, asking if he dies will he go to heaven and will he see his dad there and be able to talk and play with him."
"This is him telling me, 'mommy, I'm not going to make it.'"
Since the post was shared to Love What Matters, it has received an overwhelming reaction, with thousands of other Facebook users commenting on the post to ask how they can help. The boy's aunt, Ericka Medinger commented on the photo as well, writing that the family is setting up a P.O. box for anyone who might want to send donations or gifts.
"Right now we are just trying to get through the day," she wrote. "We never expected this to spread as much as it has. Thank you for your care and support. We want to raise awareness that childhood cancer only receives 4% of research funding. Please pray as that means the most to us."
The family has also set up a Facebook page to keep people updated on Drake's treatment, and have also posted an address where people can send gifts and notes. We're sending all our best to Drake and his family.

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