Everything You Need To Know About Trump Accusing Obama Of Wire Tapping

Photo: Ron Edmonds/AP Images.
This weekend a showdown between Donald Trump and Barack Obama began, with the current POTUS accusing the former one of bugging the Trump Towers last year.
The accusations started on Twitter early Saturday morning, when Trump accused Obama of setting up wiretaps in his New York campaign headquarters ahead of the 2016 presidential election. He said Obama had sunk to a "new low" and called the former president "sick." On Sunday, the White House stepped up the game by calling for the congressional committee members who are already investigating Russian interference in last year's election, which landed Trump a victory, to also examine whether an abuse of "executive branch investigative powers" occurred.
To be clear, Trump has provided no evidence to prove this allegation. Obama's people categorically deny that he did it. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said this is all complete bunk. "There was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president, the president-elect at the time, or as a candidate, or against his campaign."
To be sure, there will be more on Wiretapping-gate in the future, but for now, check out how the battle unfolded, what's at stake, and what's ahead as the investigation unfolds.

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