Chill Out: Beauty Products To Help You Relax Before Bed

Sleep: we're obsessed with it. We're constantly boasting about how little we get ("We're just so busy") but we're all desperate for some good shuteye. We've been told to monitor our sleep via the 90-minute count, to fork out for lamps that replicate the rising sun, and to tailor our diet to aid a restful night. All this planning, counting and tracking is, well, exhausting.
While we're not claiming that a face mask and a few candles can cure serious insomnia, we know the restorative power of a bath, some essential oils and being head-to-toe relaxed. Commuting, that money you owe your partner, a tense meeting with Stu from HR, leaving the office late, housemates who don't pull their weight – we deal with stressful situations every day. Sometimes, the most effective way to unwind is to sink into hot water, take your time to really massage your legs and feet, and inhale lavender and rose – the smells that transport you to a more chilled-out place.
Click through to see the products we rely on to help us kick back, relax and slip into bed for a bloody good sleep.

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