A Guide To The UK's Best Charity Shops

If you're appalled by the rapid consumption, throw-away approach, and devastating repercussions of fast fashion and want to make more socially and environmentally responsible shopping choices, charity shops are the perfect place to start. Finding one-off treasures, giving money to charity and knowing you’re delaying the landfill being stuffed with more unnecessary purchases is a win-win-win.
Want to spruce up your home with Pinterest-worthy vintage finds, but can’t afford to? Charity shops! Does the idea of getting into records suddenly appeal to you? You guessed it, charity shops. Desperate for classic designer finds but can't stomach the price tag? Correct! Charity shops!
To make achieving your interior and fashion dreams easier, we’ve compiled a list of the best charity shops around the country for you to have a good old rummage in. So next time you’re scouring the high street for a bargain, try dipping into one of these shops instead and get more for your money.

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