This Is Where The Word "Blockbuster" Actually Comes From

As the weather gets unbearably warm, movie theatres lure us to their air-conditioned darkness with promises of sequels, stunts, and lots of actions. Ah, yes: I’m talking about the summer blockbuster. The candy of cinema, blockbusters are designed to titillate, and not necessarily to provoke deep thoughts. In the dog days of summer, there’s nothing better than shutting off your brain for awhile and watching Baby Groot dance.
While blockbusters themselves tend to be predictable, the actual term “blockbuster” has a surprising origin. Considering just how violent many of these movies can be, perhaps we shouldn’t be taken aback that the word “blockbuster” has its roots in wartime.
Some people collect television trivia. Others can identify all the Pokémon in a Pokedex. And then, there are people like me, who listen to etymology podcasts and know far too much about words. So here’s a gift from me to you. Add it to your little library of useless information.

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