After eight very crazy weeks, American Gods season 1 has come to an end. The new Starz series helped us ignore our Game Of Thrones cravings, and gave us brand new fears. But, the dazzling fantasy drama's freshman year will be best remembered for its groundbreaking sex scenes.
Although most premium cable shows try to show some skin to separate themselves from their broadcast TV brethren, Gods more than pushed the envelope. The Bryan Fuller-created series blew the envelope up and then sent the remains to an orgy. And American Gods kept that trend up for season finale "Come To Jesus."
In celebration of the show's very memorable sex scenes, we've compiled every one you've seen in season 1 and ranked them, from least exciting to most titillating. Scroll through the gallery to find out which love scene comes out on top. And then grab a cold shower before the already-promised season 2.