Where We Left Off With Tyrion Lannister On Game Of Thrones

As Leo Tolstoy said in Anna Karenina, "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." If that's the case, then the Lannister family is the type of unhappy that makes fantastic villains and heroes — or, more accurately, the type of unhappy that makes fascinating characters.
Tyrion Lannister, the underloved youngest sibling of the golden leonine family, is proof of that fact. Tyrion's dealing with the traumas of his past, and present. He was framed for his nephew's murder, he killed his father, and now his sister is out to kill him. Despite his Lannister legacy, Tyrion's managed to ingratiate himself in Westerosi politics with more finesse than Frank Underwood — and way more genuinely good intentions.
So, next time you dread your Christmas dinner table, be grateful you're not a Lannister. At the end of Season 6, we see Tyrion sailing back towards Westeros, and towards an undoubtable reunion with his remaining family members. Tyrion's sailing home to his unhappy family with conquering in mind.

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