All The Things Celebrity Mothers Are Doing SO Wrong, According To Mum-Shamers

Photo: Stefanie Keenan/Getty Images.
Breastfeed. Don't breastfeed. Feed your kids this. Let them wear that. It doesn't really matter, because, if you're a mum, someone will be happy to tell you exactly how you are ruining your child's life.
That's also true for celebrity mothers, whose millions of Instagram followers are just waiting to pounce on a post that doesn't adhere to their expert rules on parenting, health and nutrition, child safety, and morality. So helpful, right?
Welcome to mum-shaming, in which cyber-bullies pick apart every single parenting decision someone makes. Did you introduce sugar to your kid's system? Let them pick out their own clothes? Hire a babysitter for the night? Buy them a toy without asking for permission from some random troll? How. Dare. You.
In the court of popular internet opinion, these famous mothers are guilty of committing the most heinous crimes. Honestly, it's a wonder Kelly Clarkson is still free to roam the streets.
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